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Englisch Konversation

Jeden 1. und 3. Mittwoch im Monat ab 20.00 Uhr im MehrGenerationenTreffpunkt Hochfeld.

"We meet to converse in English in a friendly atmosphere about nearly any topic the participants want to discuss. This can be for example:

recent events, travel, everyday experiences, music, movies, plays, books, performances etc. Discussions about politics and religions are restricted.


Occasionally somebody brings a text as basis for a dicurse she or he thinks interesting. Sometimes we try to interpret a song or a poem. The aim of the meetings is to keep the participants' ability to use English alive or improve it by practising. It is no school and no teaching course with a fixed curriculum. As nobody is perfect, mistakes occur and are occasionally corrected with the help of all participants.


New participants are welcome. There are no requirements beyond introducing oneself in English."



Ansprechpartner: Gerhard Bohm

E-Mail: `3H/Yoja@5y{EcBTF'X]#[Hs7r7bOjy!bi\K+MOg=